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Remember shortcuts we could order with a mechanism keyboard? Using a sold mixed of CNTL, ALT, and FN, we could fast corkscrew by documents, open and tighten programs, and pierce elements around.
They still exist, of course. Here’s a whole garland of Facebook keyboard shortcuts we never knew existed.
Nowadays, with so many tricks, niches, and shortcuts, those special operations demeanour officious quaint. Many operations are good known, and many of them are small and frivolous.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s a lot of fun to find a value trove of classical arcade games on your Android device.
Some tricks sojourn obscure, and they can change your life. You competence find yourself regulating one of these operations any day, though usually if we comprehend it exists. To move we adult to speed, here are 10 of my favorite tech tricks – what they’re for, how to use them, and a ways they’ll change your experience.
Meanwhile, here’s a list of nifty tricks privately for iPad, and here are some some-more usually for Android.
1. Use your voice instead of typing
Since a emergence of computers, typing was a usually approach to get business done. Now, we give your fingers a mangle and foreordain annals while you’re walking, respond to messages while you’re cooking, harmonise a literary masterpiece while you’re in bed – a possibilities are endless.
You don’t even have to download a apart app. Your iPhone or Android keyboard has a built-in voice-to-text feature. Just lift adult your phone’s keyboard, daub a mic idol and foreordain away.
If your phone’s built-in transcriber is too basic, we can get some-more facilities with apps like Dragon Anywhere for iOS and Android, or TranscribeMe, also accessible for iOS and Android.
You can use Google’s transcriber to foreordain papers into Google Docs. Open a new request in Google Docs, and capacitate Voice Typing from a Tools menu. Then start dictating. Voice Typing recognizes commands like “comma,” “period” and “new paragraph.”
2. Make routines regulating Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant
Ever wanted to automate a fibre of tasks with a singular command? That’s since Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are versed with “Routines.”
For instance, we can contend “Alexa, I’m home!” and Alexa can hail you, spin on your vital room intelligent lights, review a daily news afterwards play a specific song playlist.
Or we can contend “Alexa, good night” and have her respond behind with “sweet dreams,” afterwards close your doors, set your thermostat to a certain temperature, spin off all your lights and play white sound to peace we to sleep. You can configure scheduled routines and have your practical partner perform sets of actions via any day.
Related: Yes, we can listen to what Alexa annals about you.
To emanate a slight in a Alexa app, go to a menu afterwards daub Routines. Tap a + pointer to start a new sequence. Select “When this happens” afterwards name your trigger. The trigger can be a phrase, a report or a suit sensor event. Next, name “Add action” to start building a routine. To hang it up, name a device we wish to trigger a slight from, afterwards daub Create.
For Google Home Routines, daub “Menu” on a top left dilemma of your Google Home app. Tap More SettingsRoutines.
Under “When,” daub “Add commands,” enter your trigger word afterwards click OK. To supplement an action, daub “Add action” underneath “My Assistant should …” If we wish to report a routine, daub “Set a time and day” underneath “When” instead.
3. Post on Instagram from a computer
Instagram has come a prolonged way. The app was creatively designed for infrequent snapshots, always cropped square, that mimicked a Instamatic cameras of decades past. They have prolonged strew those despotic parameters, though one thing stays challenging: posting to Instagram from a desktop or laptop.
One approach is to initial post a print to another form of amicable media (such as Facebook or Twitter), afterwards download a print onto your phone or inscription and afterwards post to Instagram.
Related: Get amicable with me. I’m on Instagram!
But we can also do it directly, regulating Google Chrome. The routine is a small convoluted, though it’s a easiest approach to get your high-quality DSLR or mirrorless images onto a platform.
1. Open Chrome.
2. Go to a Instagram website
3. Right-click anywhere on a page
4. Hit Inspect
5. When a new shade appears, strike a small “squares” in a upper-middle, usually above all a coding
This should uncover we a same arrangement we would see on your phone. You can collect that kind of arrangement you’d prefer, including a operation of iPhone, Galaxy, Nexus and other devices. You
should see a same functions during a bottom, including a “Plus” sign, that will capacitate we to upload .jpg files from your desktop, or even take a photo.
4. Speed adult podcasts
You can speed-read an ebook, and we can dumpy by a video. But many podcast listeners don’t comprehend they can speed adult their listening – and since a recording is digital, we don’t remove many fidelity. You’ll have to compensate closer attention, though we can zip by a delayed episode, or devour a prolonged conversation, though blank a word.
When we listen to a podcast, there is a actor during a bottom of a screen. You competence have to appropriate adult to see it. On Apple’s Podcast app, for example, there is a series in a lower-left corner. The default is 1x and this choice lets we hear a podcast during normal speed.
Related: Need suggestions for podcasts? I’ve got good ones here.
Speed listeners can daub this symbol and change a playback speed to 1 1/2x or 2x. There’s also a choice for 1/2x playback speed. I’m not utterly certain when we would indeed wish to listen to a podcast very, very, really slowly, though it’s there if we need it.
5. Crop a screenshot on a Mac
Savvy Mac users have been dire CMD+Shift+3 for years, that is a by-pass for a full screenshot. But if we wish to cut out vast sections of that image, possibly to censor certain collection of your desktop shade or since it’s distracting from what we wish to concentration on, we can possibly revise it in an app like Photos or PicMonkey, or we can use this trick.
Hit CMD+Shift+4 and your cursor becomes a +. Click and drag to pull a apportionment of your shade that we wish to capture. Voila! You can skip all a additional editing.
Learn how to take a screenshot on your Android device, your iPhone, and a giveaway module for PCs that let we constraint screenshots.
6. Share a YouTube video during a accurate indicate where we wish someone to start examination it
If we see something in a YouTube video that we wish to share during a sold location, we can get a couple that takes people directly to that moment.
Click a “Share” symbol subsequent a video. Look for a checkbox subsequent a link. It will automatically arrangement a time during that we now have a video stopped.
Related: Have we seen me lately? Catch The Kim Komando Show Airing on Bloomberg TV
You can hang with this time or even name a opposite time. Next, usually duplicate a couple and share it over your elite amicable media use or email it to a friend. When someone views a link, a YouTube video will automatically skip right to a indicate we chose. Handy, huh?
7. Get a duplicate of all you’ve posted on Facebook
With all a remoteness troubles a company’s been going by lately, hordes of people are deactivating their Facebook accounts. But what do we do about all your standing updates, a photos, videos, and shares you’ve amassed by a years – this digital scrapbook of your life?
There’s a approach to save all of your Facebook information and make it accessible for download.
Here’s how:
1. Log in to your Facebook comment and go to “Settings” “Settings Privacy.”
2. Scroll down afterwards name “Download Your Information”
3. In a subsequent section, we can name (or deselect) a categories we wish to embody in your download data. It’s utterly extensive, so name wisely. Obviously, a some-more categories we choose, a incomparable your record will be.
Once you’ve checked all a categories and a date operation we want, name “Create File.” (HTML and middle peculiarity media are excellent for many people.)
Your repository record can be massive, and it could take days before it becomes available. (Facebook will send we another email informing we that your record is prepared for download.)
8. Post on mixed amicable media accounts during once
Do we juggle mixed amicable media accounts during a same time? Maybe we like cross-posting on opposite platforms during a same time to save time. It’s terribly emasculate to keep duplicating and pasting a same standing refurbish on opposite sites, right?
Save time handling your amicable media with collection like Buffer, Hootsuite or IFTTT. With their ability to post on opposite sites concurrently (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) they can fast disseminate a amicable media message, that is generally profitable for eventuality planners and branding campaigns.
Compose your post, supplement links, photos or videos, name your platforms, afterwards post. It’s that simple. For a energy user, these collection even have scheduling facilities and analytics to sign how effective your posts are.
For infrequent use, both Buffer and Hootsuite have giveaway skeleton that are good for 3 amicable media accounts. On a other hand, professionals who wish to conduct 8 profiles and over can opt for their paid plans.
9. Double-check your translation
Online interpretation is some-more absolute than ever, and it’s generally useful for English-friendly languages like French and German. But it’s foolish to rest on Google Translate or Facebook’s translator though double-checking that a interpretation creates clarity – generally for critical association with educational officers or intensity business partners.
How do we do this though training smooth Greek or Japanese? By translating your English content into another language, afterwards behind into English.
For example, we could interpret a following word into Albanian: “Three weeks from now, we will arrive in your collateral city and would like to lease a red convertible.” When we accept a translation, we duplicate and pulp a Albanian content and retreat a languages. Translated behind into English, we get: “Three weeks from now, we will arrive in your capital, and we would like to lease a red booth.”
Booth? Apparently, one of those difference can be simply confused. But if we word a strange summary as “red automobile car,” your summary should be clear.
10. Take a design on your phone and find it on a web
Ever looked during an online print and we usually had to know some-more sum about it? Maybe you’re acid for a location, a date it was taken, a improved fortitude or other angles of a subject.
A Google Images retreat hunt acts like a unchanging Google search, regulating an design instead of text. You can even retreat hunt faces or form cinema to puncture some-more information about an individual.
To do this, conduct on over to Google Image’s hunt tool, click on a small camera idol afterwards upload (or indicate it to a image’s web address) and let Google do a walking.
Related: Check out No. 7 for design hunt tips in this list of 7 digital tricks you’ll indeed use.
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Learn about all a latest record on a Kim Komando Show, a nation’s largest weekend radio speak show. Kim takes calls and dispenses recommendation on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online remoteness and information hacks. For her daily tips, giveaway newsletters and more, revisit her website during Komando.com.